Manuel & Fanny Noriega
"It is for us an enormous privilege that by the Grace and Mercy of God, we can shepherd and edify the Children of God, under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit and His Word.
To help them in their spiritual growth and achieve their purpose on this earth."
Pastors Noriega's
Our Pastors
The ministry of Pastors Manuel and Fanny Noriega began in 2003, being anointed for the call in the city of Maracaibo, Zulia State by Apostle Ronald Short and sent by the Holy Spirit to found the first congregation in the city of Paragüaná, Falcón State, Venezuela.
Pastors Noriega have shown a life consecrated to the Lord Jesus Christ, without religious paradigms, showing a genuine love for God and His Word, passion for the Souls, committed to the extension of the Gospel of the Kingdom of Christ and forming disciples to continue the Great Commission.
It is a ministry under the direction and power of the Holy Spirit, with a tangible backing from God, which is evidenced in lives saved and transformed by the Gospel of Christ. The Holy Spirit is manifested by healing, delivering and transforming lives in the ministry of Pastors Noriega.
God has given them Anointing, Gifts and Grace to preach and teach His Word, serving the people and the Leadership of the Church of Christ in the Nations. Pastor Noriega has also participated in evangelistic campaigns and crusades, full of the Power of God.
They are also a ministry of edification to the body of Christ, imparting and teaching the people of God and their leaders to establish an intimate and genuine relationship with God as our Eternal Father, through Jesus and his word, with the guidance and care of the Holy Spirit, fanning in their hearts a fire to reach the lost to be trained and sent as disciples of Christ.
Manuel Noriega along with his wife Pastor Fanny Noriega have established churches and ministries in various territories of Venezuela, being the founders of the Christian Centers Casa de Vida, the Voice of Life Foundation, the IBAO Bible Institute in Venezuela and was an advisor to various organizations and Christian media in his native nation.
In 2012, the Holy Spirit began to confirm that they were to establish their ministry in the United States. In obedience to that word, Pastors Noriega travel to the city of Miami to establish their lives for a time and be part of the Staff of associate pastors of Latin Mission Ministries in Miami, working in the edification of church members, training leaders and providing training to ministers for the work of God, as well as the founding of new ministries and churches in the area and nationally.
Currently residing in the city of Miami, they are founding pastors of Global Christian Church based in Miami, Orlando and Venezuela, whose vision is to build a Christ-Centered congregation that will win disciples for Jesus, keep His word and be sent out locally, nationally and internationally to win other disciples in the United States and to the ends of the earth.